Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Hero in Our Midst

At our apartment complex, we often park next to a little blue Honda car that has two white Superman emblems on the rear windows. I happen to know that this car belongs to the people living in the apartment above us.

The first time William noticed the Superman emblems, he commented and I agreed that it was really neat. We finished buckling and loading and preparing to leave and then as we backed out of the spot William inquired,

"Mom, is that really Superman's car?"


Unknown said...

how cute is that? What did you tell him?

Lisa said...

I burst his little bubble. I'm not good at keeping the mystery alive. :-)

Melanie said...

Awwwwwww! It warms my heart to think that William believed that Superman was his neighbor.

Having lived in an apartment for several months now, I would hope that Superman could do a little better for himself. Saving the world deserves the luxury of a little more space (and privacy) at the end of the day.

Lisa said...

Agreed. If I hadn't ruined it for WIlliam, I could have told him all the racket upstairs was Superman fighting crime. :-)

Unknown said...

Was he said when you told him the truth? I am bad about bursting bubbles too. I try not to but I can't lie to my kids so it is hard. He is such a cutie.

Lisa said...

Nah, I think he was asking because he was skeptical anyway. He was just so innocent in the way he said it. He was pretty quiet for a few minutes though. He may have been contemplating what it would be like to have Superman for a neighbor or he could have been sorting out the sadness of a dream lost. :-)