Saturday, April 19, 2008

Just like his big brother...

My cake making hobby has always been a source of temptation for William. Luckily, as I made a baby shower cake today, Doug took the big kids out for fun. Robert and I hung back to deal with sugar.

Robert was playing on the kitchen floor while I darted from side to side preparing the icing, cake board, etc. I turned around to this scene.

The child can't walk, but much like his brother, he can climb a stool to sample a cake. Thankfully, the cooling cakes were not within his reach.


Lisa said...

PS. Take a look at the photo from above. Does he look like William, or what?

Unknown said...

That pic is sooo William! I would say the Clark boys love their cake!

Melanie said...

But it won't be long until he's tall enough to get into trouble! Oh, well, at least the trouble will make for some precious pictures!

I love that last shot of William, er, I mean, Robert.

joyce said...

I don't blame him. I bet it smelled wonderful. Do you put a little batter in small pyrex bowls for little guys to sample?? Test cakes. He could be your cake tester.

Too cute.

Lisa said...

There are always trimmings (see the tops cut off?) for them to sample if they aren't going to get to eat the cake the next day. But, I usually draw the line and make them wait because they get a bit too hyped up.