Sunday, April 13, 2008

We have LIFT OFF!!

Robert finally, finally did it!! He took his first steps this evening, at 16 months, 6 days old.

We were at Gramma and Grampa's house for the afternoon and just before we got ready to leave, Robert walked from me to Grampa. He took 5 steps, wobbly but strong, before reaching Grampa's arms. You would have thought I'd won a million dollars by the way I reacted. Doug had been playing the piano up front and I shouted for the whole world to hear, so he'd come running. After the initial steps, Robert continued to practice 2 and 3 at a time stopping to clap for himself after each "arrival." It was just after dinner, though, so the jostling and falls took its toll and the walking practice was halted by a revisitation of dinner. Nonetheless, the kid CAN do it.

My guess is that it will be a month or so before he'll walk every where he goes, but I'll be able to cancel the neurologist appointment that I made last week (and just filled out the 8-page pre-visit history - I should have done it a month ago apparently). My whining about how heavy he is and how awkward it is to carry him because he doesn't cling, will soon be replaced by "he never stops! I don't get a break. Why did I wish for this?"

Tomorrow will be riddled with cameras and videos to catch the early moments.

Edited to add:
He won't even try it today. He did make divots in our carpet walking his push toy up and down the length of our house for an hour. After every 10-15 steps he'd get stuck against the wall, couch, etc and say "uh oh" so I'd rescue him and set his track straight again. Hopefully he'll be motivated this evening to walk between Doug and me, but just mama isn't good enough.


Unknown said...

I am so happy for Robert and you!

Kristen said...

Yay for Robert! It took Colin 17 months and 21 days! I didn't think it was ever going to happen, and like you said...I can't believe that I was asking for him to walk...I want him to crawl again!

Melanie said...

Yeah! I'm so excited about Robert's accomplishment (and your new-found and well-deserved freedom!) and can't wait to witness it for myself.

Hmmmm...I wonder if something is different about the floors at Gramma and Grampa's house that made him more comfortable or steady walking there. Do they have wood floors?

Lisa said...

They have linoleum, so no grooves between tiles. But, he did take steps on their carpet too, so I think it was the excitement of walking to "Bampa."

joyce said...

Our James did not walk until after 14 months. And he is fine now. He never has been our most co-ordinated, but then, neither have I.

Years ago, we were told that crawling is important for fine motor skills. And that babies who did not crawl would need to.

Maybe Robert just needs a reason---the excitement of Grandpa and Grandma. Hang in there.