Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Well, it's official...

Our children know more Spanish than us. Last night we asked the kids about their school and we asked them what Spanish words they heard and which ones they said. We had a hard time undertanding with their mouths full of spaghetti, but when we finally drew it out of them, it became clear that they learned "what's your name?" and "My name is ____" Now, I can't even say it, but their accents are actually very good! I can't believe it.

I've never been one to prove our social ills by pointing to European countries that seem to have things figured out, but I will say that one thing I know for sure about the European education systems is that they really do put an emphasis on languages. I won't try to paint the picture of their greener grass because there are many reasons why I would not want to be a citizen of another country, but I do wish a stronger emphasis had been placed on learning foreign tongues when I had a lot more free time.

I'm happy for Mary and William, who seem to be picking up these things quickly and easily and I'll be looking for ways to include languages in their studies.


Unknown said...

Emma is the same way! She has been saying different things in Spanish and we have no clue what it means!

I too wish it was more emphasized when I was younger. I took French in high school and didn't learn anything, I was very disappointed. Well actually I did learn how to play poker and many other card games!

Kristen said...

Maybe I'LL teach Colin spanish...very frustrating!