Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I'm sick today. Feeling snot-filled.

I also screwed up at work today when I woke up and called in at 10:03...3 minutes after my first client meeting started. Clients love it when you don't show for a meeting that you schedule.

This evening I was able to wake up enough to work on the picture wall and order some more RAM for our computer. We've also setup a Virtual Machine (via Parallels) for Windows XP and Office 2007. My brother bought me a copy of office for windows for Christmas; isn't that nice of him considering we haven't run Windows now for about 3 months.

Oh well, off to dinner.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


The closet project is coming along nicely. With the Container Store's annual Elfa sale and all the various things that have become displaced in the house shuffle, we decided to try out a new closet plan. The planners and CS made a proposal for our closet and then we tweaked it (actually, I poo-pooed it and we started kinda fresh). After it was all said and done it sounded like what seems like miles of shelf space sure would be nice. So, 1 ginormous purchase later, we had stacks of shelves in our front room. We hired a handyman to rip out the old wooden, useless shelves and rods and Doug and I installed the new platinum ventilated shelves last night. They were out of stock in a few key items, so it's not complete yet, but the available storage is already holding 95% of what was in our closet before with 50% of shelf space left over. :-D

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Uh oh...three in a row.

Last week, at 9.5 weeks old, Robert started sleeping for 10 hours straight. That was really great. Last night he ate last at 8:30 and slept until 8 this morning. I was wondering how he'd done it, but when I walked in this morning I found him wide awake with his thumb in his mouth. I'm thrilled that he can soothe himself, but I haven't broken Mary of this habit yet. Now I've got 3 to break! I thought we'd gotten off scott free with this one because he refused a pacifier and didn't appear to really need one.

He sure is cute with his thumb in his mouth though.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Birth Announcements

Lisa and I worked this weekend to create Robert's birth announcements. He's over 2 months old now, so it's probably about time. If you don't get one in the mail in a couple weeks please don't be offended...just print a copy for yourself and hang it on your fridge. :-)

It's a 100% Clark creation...the photo, editing, text, baby, and room were all provided/made by us.

Monday, February 12, 2007

A healthy visit

Robert went to the pediatrician on Thursday for his 2 month check up. He's grown so much and is perfectly healthy. 11 pounds 14 ounces! It's the 50th percentile, but sounds so big to me!

If you haven't already, I challenge you to open two browser windows and compare Robert's pictures side-by-side to William's. It's incredible. Robert's a bit rounder in the cheeks (that 11 pounds had to go somewhere), but short of that, we've got twins!

I'm so glad we have them.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Many Thanks!

We had a lot of help today! Thank you very much to all of our friends and family who came to help us make the transition from 3 bedrooms and an office toward 4 bedrooms. There are still plenty of displaced items that will find a home sometime later this week, but the large, heavy and 2-man jobs are complete.

The office has now officially been in every bedroom in our house and currently resides in our master bedroom. Mary Carol will take over the old office space in the next couple of days when we can get all the misc things removed and the detail cleaning done. She's quite excited (and I'm a bit terrified) because with her new big girl room, she will get a try at sleeping without a nighttime diaper. This means, of course, that she will have access to opening her own bedroom door in the middle of the night for potty breaks. That's a big responsibility and until she's used to it, I fully expect to find her playing up front at 4am. What an adventure!

We'll be sure to keep you informed of all the room shuffle happenings. Meanwhile, if you were part of it, know that we're very grateful for your help.