Saturday, February 3, 2007

Many Thanks!

We had a lot of help today! Thank you very much to all of our friends and family who came to help us make the transition from 3 bedrooms and an office toward 4 bedrooms. There are still plenty of displaced items that will find a home sometime later this week, but the large, heavy and 2-man jobs are complete.

The office has now officially been in every bedroom in our house and currently resides in our master bedroom. Mary Carol will take over the old office space in the next couple of days when we can get all the misc things removed and the detail cleaning done. She's quite excited (and I'm a bit terrified) because with her new big girl room, she will get a try at sleeping without a nighttime diaper. This means, of course, that she will have access to opening her own bedroom door in the middle of the night for potty breaks. That's a big responsibility and until she's used to it, I fully expect to find her playing up front at 4am. What an adventure!

We'll be sure to keep you informed of all the room shuffle happenings. Meanwhile, if you were part of it, know that we're very grateful for your help.


Unknown said...

I had fun! I enjoyed spending time with everyone and I can't wait to see Mary in her new room! Also, thank you for cooking dinner, it was very yummy!

I hope that we can all get together again sometime soon!

Bonnie said...

Thanks for dinner! I enjoyed hanging out and watching the guys build the desk. :)