Thursday, April 23, 2009

William - the Riddler

Note that this conversation occurred in the car, where all deep thought happens for our kids and immediately followed our conversation about the boxes of toys we were driving to the church to donate. I have no idea how his brain leapt from one to the other.

W: "Mom, what would you do if you 'digged' a deep, deep hole and you were at the bottom and you didn't have a ladder to get out? You couldn't jump that high."

Mom: "I suppose I would call for help."

W: "Well, what if no one heard you, could you get out then?"

M: "I don't know William, what would you do?"

W: "I guess you could just actually dig more dirt in the hole and climb on top of it. And when you dig the dirt just fills up the hole and you could walk out."

My mind immediately returned to the riddle about a tennis ball down a deep hole. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff and how he thinks these things up so quickly.


Unknown said...

He is such a cutie. I think he is going to be a challenge for school. He seems naturally smart and will make you go above and beyond I think.

joyce said...

He is smart!! Wow! Good thing you are his teacher. Whew. Sounds like he is always thinking.

Melanie said...

My future son-in-law is brilliant!