Friday, December 19, 2008


William's surgery was a complete success. He left me at 11:09 and was wheeled to recovery at 12:06. It took a full hour because the catheter was too long the first time and had to be removed to trim it to size and replace it.

William has two incisions to heal, one on his neck and one on his chest with a little knob under his skin where they will access the port for his infusions. If we are hospitalized again for any reason, they will be able to use the port instead of the IV for most treatments and procedures. That will be wonderful!

William is feeling fine and has not experienced any pain. The anesthesiologist gave him narcotics during the surgery and we were able to dose him with Tylenol with Codeine at home. He is tolerating it all well.

Today was a good day at the hospital for William. Nothing hurt. That's saying a lot.


Unknown said...

Praise God, I am so glad it went well and that he wont have to worry about those IVs anymore,I know how much he hated them.

Bonnie said...

I'm so glad to hear it went well. I hope the port helps ease the worry that came with the IVs.