Monday, November 3, 2008

National Housewives' Day

Today is National Housewives' Day! That'd be me!

I manage my household. That's my job, my occupation, if you will.

I must say that some days I do it well and other days I need a manager to manage me, but I’m proud that I’m a housewife! I'd love to cook breakfast at dawn with my apron on, have full meals emerge from the oven with beautiful garnishes promptly at 6 each evening and have floors you can eat off of. I don't wear cocktail dresses and heels to chase my kids and I've only vacuumed in pearls once, which was a little exhilarating, actually. I don't mind the stereotypical images...I kind of idealize them, but the truth of the matter is that being a house wife is very little like that (at least for me).

The funny thing about me being a housewife is that I’m really not that good at it. I hate to fold laundry. I very much dislike sweeping. I actually like vacuuming, but there is usually too much clutter around for me to push the machine through. I let toothpaste build up on our sinks and mirrors and I don’t make my kids make their beds everyday. Regardless, I’m truly honored to be able to stay home with my children and serve them and my husband. It would be dishonest if I said there weren't days that I would prefer to be somewhere else (usually browsing a craft or home store). But, I know that my time and energy are much better spent in the managing of our house and raising our children.

Mainly, in keeping a house, I work to make it a home. In raising our children, the goal is to turn out well-balanced, stable human beings with a love of others and a passion for Christ. In being a wife, my job is one of support, confidante, companion, lover and best friend.

So, today I want to apologize for my shortcomings and pledge a dedication to improving myself toward those goals. It's an important job and I'm honored to get to do it.

I congratulate all housewives out there for their dedicated work. May your sink be ever-sparkling and your dinners never burnt. :-)

(Edited to Add: Today is also Sandwich Day, so see if your housewife will make you one. November 3rd is also Let Someone Have the Last Word Day, so...)

1 comment:

joyce said...

Wow. I did not know we had a day. Being a stay-at-home mom, I think every day is mother's day. They all depend on you, and you get to kiss on them. Then they grow up, and go to college, and move out, and you have whole days to wander through the craft store. Hang on. They grow up too fast. I used to long for these days. But, I sure miss the hands-on, sweet smelling, snuggling, little blondes.