Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day

It's a little late in coming, but I wanted to report on my wonderful Mother's Day.

The day before Mother's Day, I spent the vast majority of the day at a homeschool bookfair in Arlington. But, before I left, William ever-so-sneakily asked me what my favorite kind of cookie was. I listed a few and got out my Cookie Cookbook just in case. :-) When I returned home, there were no signs of cookies, but William informed me that he would make some cookies tomorrow.

Since Mother's Day is always on a Sunday there is no chance of me sleeping in. We have to leave our house at 7:45 to get Doug to church on time for rehearsal before the service. I thought, of course, that this would also mean that I would never have a breakfast in bed. But, I woke Sunday morning to find Doug "missing" at 6:30am. If you know Doug, the house has to be on fire for him to be up at 6:30 in the morning. He returned a few minutes later with donuts for me, which he served on a breakfast tray with orange juice. There were so many donuts, I couldn't eat them all right away!

So, we dressed and left for church. Afterward, our lunch plans were foiled by a 2 hour wait at the restaurant, so we stopped for a little Boston Market instead. When I returned from picking it up, I found our 2 oldest kids scooping cookie dough onto pans. They baked while we ate lunch and I enjoyed warm, delicious sugar cookies after my meal. Then, I opened the presents the kids made at Mother's Day Out. Mary made a beaded frame with hand-stitched artwork inside. William made a little paper tea pot with tea bag and a poem. Each of them had made a sweet card to go with the gift.

After lunch and gifts, we drove around to look at houses and then made our way to Michelle's house for dinner with Nisey. It was such a beautiful day that we ate outside on the patio and enjoyed the sunshine. Stephen cooked a delicious meal for all the mommies. My mom gave me a gift, too! She gave me a giant tea canister for serving iced tea at parties. I can't wait to use it!

It was a lovely day and I got to spend it with the people I love. Thanks to everyone who made the day special.


Kristen said...

Glad to hear that you had a great Mother's Day!

Melanie said...

What a wonderful day it must have been!

Donuts in bed? I can hardly think of anything better!