Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"Is it Christmas today?"

Each morning since Thanksgiving the kids have asked this question within an hour after waking. It's difficult for them to distinguish between the Christmas season and the actual day. So, every morning I tell them that it is Christmas Time, but not Christmas Day. We haven't emphasized many of the celebrations on Christmas because we find it sweet that they are truly anticipating what they know Christmas to be. "On Christmas we get the baby Jesus." To this point, they don't realize that they will be getting gifts or that many children will wake up to half of Santa's workshop in their living room.

I imagine that this year will really be a learning year for them as they figure out what Christmas Time and Christmas Day are really all about. Here are a few traditions we are beginning this year:

1. An advent calendar. We are placing one animal or character on a nativity scene each day after we read a child-appropriate portion of the Christmas story. With a few more days under our belt, I imagine the "Is it Christmas today?" questions will stop as they finally put it all together that we have to open all the doors first.

2. Decorating the kids' tree. I love to decorate for Christmas and my very favorite part is decorating a large tree in our front room. At 9 feet tall, it's not very easy or safe for them to help decorate. But, this year I got my old 3 foot tree from college out of storage and let them decorate it all by themselves. The ornaments on their tree are ones they made, ones given to them or simply ones that don't go with the red and white of the front tree. :-)

3. Making a gingerbread house. Next week I'm planning a gingerbread house construction. I never made one as a child until I was in the high school german club. I hope this turns out to be a pleasant tradition.

I hope our children look back at this time with fondness and in time grow to appreciate just how special it is that on Christmas Day "we get the baby Jesus."

1 comment:

Melanie said...

What special holiday memories! We are making a gingerbread house, too, so we'll have to compare notes. I love the kids' tree! It's wonderful for kids to have a tree of their own to decorate as they wish (without ruining the painstakingly perfected family tree!).