Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The time has finally come. We talked up how important William was now that he is 3 years old and how 3 year olds use the potty and wear underwear. He recently told me that he didn't like the potty because he was afraid he'd fall in and I'd flush him down, so I broke out the old potty chair and he seems to like it much better.

Yesterday was his first day to give it a try. He sits nicely, but isn't able to control much yet. But, at naptime I put the potty chair in his room, put him in a pull-up and just a few minutes later he was calling because he had pooped in the potty! Sure enough, the teeniest little poop was in there. If you've never done a dance and given monster hugs and cheered over tiny poop, you haven't lived. He was SO proud of himself. I took a picture only for the humor of how excited he was over something so miniscule, but I won't post it here.

We're making progress and I can't wait until he decides that this is definitely the way to go. The prospect of choosing special underwear at the store is quite appealing to him, though he likes the regular cotton training pants too.

Go Go William! I can't wait for your success!


Unknown said...

way to go william, way to go!!! I am so proud of him !

Melanie said...

In my opinion, the cutest part about William's accomplishment was how proud Mary was over her brother's achievement. She must have mentioned it three times that evening! It was truly heartwarming to see how genuinely thrilled she was for him.